Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Darby CAN walk.

WHAT, exactly, do doctor's offices give you an appointment time for?
WHY do they cancel your appointment when you are 15 minutes late when they lock you in a room with three (plus) things:  books, a table with an entire roll of paper, and chairs?
Do they KNOW what we can DO with those things?  We are like a modern day MACGYVER, folks!

You get the point.  The doctor made us wait.  I actually texted my friend, Kristin:
"Oh. My. Gosh.  I want to gouge my eyes out!  How long must we wait for the doctor?  FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!"
Her reply: "It's like part of their hippocratic oath...must make patient wait for obscene amounts of time before seeing them for two minutes."

Meanwhile, it probably sounded like I was throwing my children up against the wall, chairs scooting across the floor, paper ripping...

FINALLY, the doctor walked in and hesitantly eyed me..."Is she ticked?"  Whatever, I just smiled.  This is my life.

Our doctor's office, not unlike our church, gives out lollipops after your visit.  "The Pixie" caught on to this "perk" real quick!  So, our well check visit went something like this:

Doc: "Can you open your mouth really wide?"
Red: "Can I have a lollipop?"
Doc: "Yes!  After I finish looking."
(Doc looks in mouth)
Red: "Can I have a lollipop now?"
Doc: "Let me hear your back first."
(Doc puts stethoscope to her back)
Red: "Can I have a lollipop now?"
Doc: "Let me feel your face and your belly first.  Will you lay down?"
Red (completely...COMPLETELY compliant): "Can I have a lollipop now?"
Doc (laughing): "Just a minute.  I'm going to finish my exam first, okay?"
(Doc pushes on Darby's belly etc)
Red: "Can I have a lollipop now?"
Doc: "Let's take your shoes off and stand up on the floor."
(Red throws her shoes off, jumps down and stands up...following directions flawlessly)
Red (guess what she said): "Can I have a lollipop now?"

Doc: "Darby.  Will you walk to the other side of the room?"

Then something happened that I have NOT EVER seen before.
The "Little Redhead Pixie," after skipping, running, jumping through life for THREE YEARS...walked.  I was stunned.  My jaw hit the floor.  I actually said to the doctor, "I'm not sure I have ever seen her walk before!"
And THEN...
Red: "Can I have a lollipop now?"

Oh, dear me.
In fact, maybe I should carry around a stash in my gigantic purse to use for episodes which would require bribery to achieve a successful result.
I'm not above bribery.

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