Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Pixie Doesn't Sleep, She Smolders!

I could go on and on.  Everyone has a story.  I was talking with my friend, Carol, after Bible Study one morning, and we were admiring The Pixie's hair.  Some days, and if you have ever parented a redhead, you know...some days, their hair is just on FIRE.  You know those days will not end well for you.  I was trying to explain this to my friend who has three non redheads of her own, but they will never fully understand.  How COULD they?

"We were talking about Darby with her flaming red hair. I was talking about how I LOVE seeing redheads in the sunlight because it literally looks like their hair is ablaze! We made a little joke about how every morning, Darby gets up on fire, and it doesn't go out until she goes to sleep at night. At this point, my friend goes, 'Darby doesn't sleep...she smolders!' So true. So true" 

Recently, I overheard her proclaim, "I'M GOING TO SET THE WORLD ON FIRE!"  Now, there IS a song with those particular lyrics, but I haven't heard that song in years.  I'm pretty sure she came up with this concept inside her own, fiery head!  I sure hope she does not carry out this idea.  

Come to think of it, I need to go hide the matches...

The Tale of the Frozen Hamburger Patty

One fine January morning, The Pixie and I headed over to her little buddy's house for a play date. ) Nothing surprises me anymore...especially when Young Life leaders are involved, and we were going over to my friend's house.  She runs Young Life out of her house.  And, where there is Young Life, there is crazy.  You cannot explain the goings on.

As we were walking up to the front door, I saw a very distinctive cheeseburger patty on the mulch lining the walk.  I walked on by.  You know, come to think of it, I cannot explain why I walked by that without even thinking to pick it up or tell her to pick it up.  Stop judging.  When you have three+ children and hundreds of high school kids coming to your house every week, you can start judging, but in the meantime...

We had ourselves a little playdate and fellowship, and then it was time to go, so The Pixie mad dashed to the car (it's what you do in PA in January-it's too cold to linger).  She jumped in and climbed into her carseat before I had even closed the door.  One thing I should take note of is that when the Redhead is completely compliant, something's not going right.  I walked out to buckle her seat belt and saw her happily gnawing on that frozen solid cheeseburger patty that had been sitting in my friend's mulch.  She looked at me and said, "Can I eat this?"  Thanks for ASKING BEFOREHAND, PIXIE, "NO!  YOU MAY NOT!"  I took it and threw it back in the yard where it...where it...belonged?

I called my friend on the way home to tell her the general direction in which I tossed it.  You know, I don't ask a whole lotta "whys" when weird things happen, but I asked her this time.  She said that she had gone through the McD*nald's drive through and brought everything home to eat, but her middle child had dropped the patty out of his bag.  Who knows?  HOW do you drop a patty, but not the bun?  Regardless, it happened.  She had been having "one of those days."  We've all had them.  So, she left the patty on the ground.  And, there it stayed.  Two weeks later, Darby was enjoying the second half of our little buddy's burger.

Gross? Yes.
But, this is merely PROOF that there ARE, indeed, FREE LUNCHES!

All cooped up in January.

January in Pennsylvania is...cold.  We're all sorts of pent up in those parts in January.  It's no wonder women (and Darby) dream dreams.  It's no wonder that creative minds blaze like wildfire (or is that her hair)!  I had two people explain to me "run-ins" with Darby last January.  One in a dream.  One in an oil change center.  Both are noteworthy:

My good friend, Beth, knows Darby well.  We're like extended family, us and the "E'brodes."  I'm not surprised she dreamed about a run in with the redhead.  It went down like this.

First of all, if you've been around long enough, you KNOW The Pixie loves...LOVES...Purple.  If it's purple-GREAT!  If it's a purple DRESS...BETTER!  In her dream, Beth said that I took Darby to the doctor because she was "out of sorts."  First of all, I feel like we live LIFE in "out of sorts," what IS "normal," after all?  The doctor asked if Darby had been under any stress lately.  I replied that I had just purchased a blue, gingham bedding set for her, and she had a complete meltdown. We know better than that.  No WAY blue would fly with that little girl!  Doctor's orders?  CANCEL THE ORDER.  DEFINITELY BUY PURPLE!  The dream went on, but I would like to state, for the record, that I am NOT the mom who takes her children to the doctor because they are "out of sorts!"  You should know me better than THAT, Beth!  My children have to be on their death bed in order for me to pay that $12 copay!

The run-in with our friend, Michelle at the oil change center was noteworthy as well:
"Darby put magic dust on me and apparently I am now a mermaid. Naomi put magic dust on me and I am also a frog! Interesting combination to say the least...."  My reply?  "I think those actually exist in the hit preschool show, 'Bubble Guppies'! HAHAHA! Oh man...and the stories keep...on...COMING! That's the second Pixie story I've gotten from SOMEONE ELSE today!!!"

Yes.  The stories keep coming.  I experience them live and in living color daily, but it's funny when everyone else tells me THEIR stories.  I think people secretly think that THEIR stories will somehow trump MY stories.  But, hey.  If you LIVE with someone...you gon' have some STORIES!  

January 16, 2013:
Me: "Darby! Let's go to the potty!"
Darby: "I'm good."

(Never trust a three-year-old when they tell you that.  It's a lie.)